European Telecommunication Company Has Used TatukGIS Software Since 2003

Optima Consulting, located in Luxembourg, is an independent company providing agile software development services for small to medium projects. With a strong background in radio and telecommunications, Optima Consulting is active in the development of a number of specialized software applications used throughout the world in mobile networks for system and radio engineering/optimization.

In that context, Optima Consulting has been using the TatukGIS Developer Kernel (DK VCL edition) since 2003 to develop and implement all GIS related features of these applications. Reports Optima Consulting director, Stephane Carre, "We have always been very impressed by the rendering speed and versatility of the TatukGIS DK-VCL. Using the DK has allowed us to remove a lot of third-party application dependencies and limitations in our projects, by integrating customized GIS capabilities directly into our applications, tailored to the specific needs of our customers. I do not think we have ever encountered a GIS related problem in which we were unable to find a DK-VCL based solution.

DK functionality that we particularly appreciate includes:
  • the TatukGIS PixelStore format for storing extremely large raster images with very fast rendering, and
  • the support for complex topological operations on vector data.
Another very important point for us is the quality of the product support: TatukGIS support is very good, and they are nice people too!

“So, not only do we use the TatukGIS DK to integrate GIS features into most of our applications, we also confidently recommend the DK and other TatukGIS products to our customers and other fellow programmers", adds Mr. Carre.

Radio engineering database tool used by a national government mobile operators, showing the "Commodo" module use
for automated preparation of legal documents required for radio transmitter deployment requests.
Coverage locator tool used by national government agencies to search and visualize mobile cell
geographical radio coverage.