TatukGIS to Support Windows 8 & Mac OS X with Single Code Base & iOS

(1) With the next release of its Developer Kernel GIS development framework (DK11), the TatukGIS DK will support single code base GIS development on Windows 8 and Mac OS X.

In addition the TatukGIS DK will support GIS development on iOS (the operating system that runs your iPhone).

(2) Also, at that time, the TatukGIS Editor (a customizable desktop GIS) will be available on Mac OS X (as well as Windows).  Thus, customizations developed in the TatukGIS Editor will be available on Mac OS X and Windows using the same scripting code.

TatukGIS DK single code base GIS development on Windows 8 and Mac OS X and GIS development on iOS will be made possible via Embarcadero FireMonkey technology.  FireMonkey is available in Embarcadero RAD Studio XE3, Delphi XE3, and C++ Builder XE3.

A FireMonkey testimonial.
According to Embarcadero, FireMonkey is the fastest path to Windows 8 and Mac OS X Mountain Lion: "With FireMonkey FMyou can now quickly give your applications the Windows 8 UI style and user experience yet still deploy to older Windows versions and Retina ready Mac OS X with native UI fidelity. Your applications will run great on Windows 8 PCs and x86 based tablets including Microsoft's Surface Pro and you can take advantage of Windows 8 capabilities such as gestures, live tile support, full screen behavior, sensor components and deploying natively to Mac OS X with a native user experience."

The TatukGIS Editor