The TatukGIS DK.NET 11.x Training Kit is Now Available

The TatukGIS DK.NET 11.x Training Kit is now available to order here.

30-day access to the TatukGIS Consulting Forum is included with the purchase of any training.

TatukGIS Consulting has been working with the TatukGIS DK since 2003 and has deep knowledge of the DK and a close relationship with TatukGIS. Purchasing the DK.NET Training Kit allows developers and organizations to substantially reduce the DK.NET learning curve and quickly begin creating powerful DK.NET applications by tapping into the wealth of TatukGIS DK knowledge held by TatukGIS Consulting.

The DK.NET Training Kit includes a detailed training manual containing over 120 pages of hands-on instructional material covering 17 chapters that illustrate step-by-step how to set-up and use the DK.NET to create 12 focused applications. Included with the DK.NET Training Kit are source code to the applications, sample data, and videos that illustrate how to use most of the applications.

The DK.NET Training Kit illustrates how to quickly create a fully functioning GIS Viewer/Editor application. Create new vector layers, select features by location, create in-memory layers, edit shapes, geoprocessing, edit attributes, advanced feature symbolization, edit enterprise GIS database layers, GPS, address matching, routing, and more!!

The topics covered in the DK.NET Training Kit include a broad range of the functionality offered by the DK.NET. The following is the chapter index from the DK.NET Training Manual.

GIS Basics

Lesson 1. Creating a new .NET solution that uses the TatukGIS DK.NET controls, .ttkproject files, and adding & removing layers from the display.

Lesson 2. Changing the map extent, zooming, and setting the scale.

Lesson 3. Selecting features: select by attributes, zoom to selection, select by location, and manual selection.  In-memory layers and the TGIS_LayerVector.Loop method are introduced.

Lesson 4. Using the TGIS_Editor object to create new shapes, save and abort edit operations, edit vertices, undo/redo, delete last shape, add parts, delete parts, and delete vertices.

Lesson 5. Creating new vector layers, editing shapes with code(as opposed to using the TGIS_Editor object), buffering shapes, creating an 'in-memory' layer, and exporting vector layers.

Lesson 6. Geoprocessing: splitting shapes, unioning shapes, subtracting shapes, clipping shapes, merging vector layers, and generating random points.

Lesson 7. Attributing features, the TGIS_ControlAttributes object, and the TGIS_Dataset.

Lesson 8. Symbolizing features using the Layer Properties dialog and via code and saving symbology to Layer Properties .ini files.

Lesson 9. Setting the TGIS_ViewerWnd and layer coordinate systems, reprojecting-on-the-fly, and exporting layers to a different coordinate system.

Lesson 10. Measurements: Areas, Distances, XY coordinates, Convert Projected Points to Geographic, and Create Point B using Bearing and Distance from Point A.

Lesson 11. Working with Enterprise GIS Databases: The SQL Layer and the PixelStore Layer

Lesson 12.  Map Output: Export TGIS_ViewerWnd display to image, Print preview, Print simple map, Using map templates.

Lesson 13.  Using Global Positioning System Input: recording waypoints and routes, panning the TGIS_ViewerWnd with the GPS location, snapping the GPS location to a line layer, and GPX layers.

Lesson 14.  Geocoding, Address Matching, and Routing

Lesson 15.  Using Other Data Formats

Lesson 16.  Useful functions in the TGIS_Utils class.

Lesson 17.  Using the 3D viewing mode, the TGIS_Control3D object, using 3D layers, creating 3D features, and setting up a DEM.

The TatukGIS DK.NET 11.x Training Kit can be ordered here.