TatukGIS Cross-Platform Mobile GIS Development with the Same Code Base Sneak Peak: GIS on iPad and Android using FireMonkey and Java

TatukGIS recently released a sneak peak video of an application created with their upcoming TatukGIS Developer Kernel 11 that allows cross-platform GIS development using the same code base via Embarcadero FireMonkey technology.

Can you imagine deploying a GIS application to iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac OS X without changing any of your code?  You won't have to imagine much longer!

Here's what Embarcadero has to say about their FireMonkey (FM) technology:

Your fastest path to Android, iOS, Windows and OS X

"With the FM multi-device app platform, you don't have to maintain separate development projects to deliver your app natively for multiple devices (PCs, tablets and smartphones) on multiple platforms (Android, iOS, Windows, and OS X). The FM Application Platform makes it easy to build script-free, true native apps that expose the full range of device capabilities and performance in the underlying devices."

The video can be viewed here.