Upcoming TatukGIS Editor Version 3 Includes Full 3-D Rendering!

The TatukGIS Editor (http://www.tatukgis.com/Editor.aspx) is a powerful, robust, easy-to-use, and fully customizable desktop GIS platform.  The TatukGIS Editor includes support for over 3000 coordinate systems, can be used on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux operating systems, and can be used to edit GIS layers stored in most enterprise GIS databases. 

At US$350 per license (not to mention steep discounts for volume purchases), the TatukGIS Editor represents the best value in the desktop GIS arena.

The value of the TatukGIS Editor is about to increase in the near future with the release of version 3 of the TatukGIS Editor.

TatukGIS recently released a preview video of the TatukGIS Editor version 3.  The preview video reveals that the TatukGIS Editor version 3 will include full 3-D rendering!  A screenshot of the TatukGIS Editor version 3 is shown below.

The 3-D rendering ability of version 3 of the TatukGIS Editor includes the ability to rotate the entire 3-D scene, change the scaling of 3-D features as well as the terrain, add and modify shading of 3-D elements, drape orthophotography over a 3-D terrain, and simulate and modify flood waters. 

Can you say SEXY GIS?

The TatukGIS Editor version 3 preview video is available at this link: http://www.tatukgis.com/Library/Videos/Edt3Preview.htm